When My Ancestors Pranced

Watercolour on paper, 14 x 11 inches, 2023

Although my ancestors survived being stolen from their homelands, like the extinct Atlas / North African bear (Ursus arctos crowtheri),  they too fell prey to invaders.  The Atlas bear or North African bear (Ursus arctos crowtheri) was Africa's only native bear species that survived into modern times. Once inhabiting the Atlas Mountains and neighbouring areas, from Morocco to Libya.  The Atlas bear became extinct shortly after modern firearms were developed. Over-hunting may have contributed to their decline. Pressure from zoo collectors sealed their fate, with the animals being taken away from one another and unable to reproduce and flourish. The Atlas bear finally became extinct in the late 19th century; the last one recorded to be killed by hunters was in 1870 in the Tetouan Mountains in northern Morocco.  Human activity can definitely be said to have played a large role in causing the extinction of the Atlas bear. (Wikipedia)

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